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For popularized articles based on my 2019 book, see menu item BOOKS. For other writings, see the BLOG.
Sámegielat oanádusaid mu 2019 girjjis gávnnat BOOKS vuolde.
““It Doesn’t Rise to the Level of Crisis That Other Situations Would”: Indigenous Self-Determination and Gendered Violence in Alaska.” Politics & Gender (2025): 1-30.
“Are Indigenous conceptions of sovereignty as non-interference patriarchal?” With Sheryl Lightfoot, Gina Starblanket & Matthew Wildcat. Review of International Studies (2025): 1-21.
“The Problem of Culturalizing Indigenous Self-Determination: Sámi Cultural Autonomy in Finland.” The Polar Journal 14.1 (2024): 148–166.
“Reimagining Self-Determination: Relational, Decolonial, and Intersectional Perspectives.” With Costas M. Constantinou, Fiona McConnell, Dilar Dirik, Asebe Regassa and Shona Loong. Political Geography (2024).
“Self-determination, Sovereignty and Policy: How Does a Focus on Indigenous Rights Transform Policymaking?” Handbook of Indigenous Public Policy, Eds. Sarah Maddison and Sheryl Lightfoot. pp. 53-69. Edward Elgar, 2024.
“Muitalusaid mearkkašupmi otná servodagas: Sámi lágaid ozus narratiiva láhkametoda bokte.” Sámi dieđalaš áigečála 1 (2024): 121–144.
“Ovttastallan: mo duostut hástalusaid ja ovddidit buresveadjima sámeservodagas?” Ovttas Asta M. Baltoin. Sámi dieđalaš áigečála 1 (2024): 13–45.
“Borders, Covid-19 and Indigenous Self-Determination.” Indigenous Peoples and Borders, eds. Elsa Stamatopoulou and Sheryl Lightfoot, pp. 184-202. Duke University Press, 2024.
“Indigenous Energy Diplomacy in the Arctic: Probing the Complexity with Cases in Sápmi and the Inuvialuit Region.” International Competition in the High North, eds. Michael E. Lynch and Harold G. Coombs, pp. 203-218. United States Army War College Press, 2023.
“Are Reindeer the New Buffalo?: Climate Change, the Green Shift, and Manifest Destiny in Sápmi.” Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 22.1 (2023): 11-33.
“From Indigenous private property to full dispossession – the peculiar case of Sápmi. Comparative Legal History 11.1 (2023): 23-44.
“All I See Is White. The Colonial Problem in Finland.” Finnishness, Whiteness and Coloniality, eds. Josephine Hoegaerts et al. pp. 291-314. Helsinki: University of Helsinki Press, 2022.
“Indigenous Westphalian Sovereignty? Decolonization, Secession and Indigenous Rights in Greenland.” The Inuit World, ed. Pamela Stern. pp. 307-320. Routledge, 2021.
“Ellos Deatnu and Post-State Indigenous Feminist Sovereignty.” Routledge Handbook on Critical Indigenous Studies, eds. Brendan Hokowhitu et al. pp. 310-323. Routledge, 2021.
“Indigenous Self-government in the Arctic: Assessing the Scope and Legitimacy in Nunavut, Greenland and Sápmi.” Routledge Handbook on Arctic Indigenous Peoples, eds. Timo Koivurova et al. pp. 253-266. Routledge, 2021.
“Holding Ourselves Responsible: Dismantling the Binary between Violence Against Women and Self-Determination in Indigenous Communities.” Violence and Indigenous Communities: Confronting the Past, Engaging the Present. Eds. Susan Sleeper-Smith et al. pp. 51-67. Northwestern University Press, 2020.
“Pohjoismainen asuttajakolonialismi ja vuoden 2017 Tenosopimus.” Historiallinen aikakauslehti 118.4 (2020): 534-539.
“The Deatnu Agreement: A Contemporary Wall of Settler Colonialism.” Settler Colonial Studies 10.4 (2020): 508-528.
“Reconciliation as a Threat or Structural Change? The Truth and Reconciliation Process and Settler Colonial Policy Making in Finland.” Human Rights Review 21.3 (2020): 293–312.
“Indigenous Security Theory. Intersectional Analysis from the Bottom Up.” Co-authored with Victoria Sweet. Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security, ed. Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv et al., Routledge, 2020, pp. 80-90.
“Indigenous Governance of Cultural Heritage: Searching for Alternatives to Co-Management.” International Journal of Heritage Studies (2019). Co-authored with Sam Grey.
“At the Intersection of Arctic Indigenous Governance and Extractive Industries: Survey of Three Case Studies.” The Extractive Industries and Society 6 (2019): 15–21.
“Gendered Environmental Assessments in the Canadian North.” Co-authored with Sheena Kennedy Dalseg, Suzanne Mills and Deborah Simmons. Northern Review 47 (2018): 135-166.